Categoría: Creatividad ar laser

'Nar breve ya mirada ya 'bede mahä'mu̲ ar tecnología láser

Tecnología láser

It’s safe to say that the world in which we live today would be much different if not for lasers. Laser technology is only about 100 ya je̲ya bätsitho, and even though a wide range of industries use laser technology, it’s still very much in its infancy. Ir, how did we get to this point whereLei mäs »

How Laser Technology Helped Find a Lost City

Tecnología láser

Lasers have played a big part in the evolution of humans, and it seems new things are being made possible by lasers all the time. Wat'i, did you know that lasers are also benefiting those that lived hundreds of years ago by teaching us more about their existence? For generations now, those living near JohannesburgLei mäs »

Ge ar Imperio ’ estrella ar muerte s 'nar gu̲ki makwäni?

Thirty-seven years after the world was first introduced to the Death Star in Star Wars Episode IV: 'Nar 'ra'yo esperanza, ne láser nts'edi mäs ar jar ximha̲i ngäts'i xí programado pa ar tsa da t'ot'e nuwa jar planeta ar ha̲i. Estrella ar muerte, wa mäs formalmente, ya tasas repetición mar hñets'i ko láser Petawatt avanzado (HAPLS), is being builtLei mäs »

Utilizando láseres pa controlar ar pa

Aún mi hingi bí acercaba ar ár hne ne poder ar láser. Mente da utilizamos he̲'mi hyax'bu̲pa, especializada alineación láser, Apoyamos ár njapu'befi 'na industria, ga̲tho nu'bu̲ ar pa beneficio ar 'ño̲ho̲. Nu'bu̲ ar gí beni ja ya láseres, da opinas ya pa, nja'bu̲? Nu'bu̲ hingi ar, perhaps you should… EnglishLei mäs »