Kako je laserska tehnologija pomagala najti izgubljeno mesto

Laserska tehnologija Laserji so igrali veliko vlogo v evoluciji ljudi, in zdi se, da laserji ves čas omogočajo nove stvari. Vendar, ali ste vedeli, da laserji koristijo tudi tistim, ki so živeli pred več sto leti, saj nas naučijo več o njihovem obstoju?

Že več generacij, tisti, ki živijo blizu Johannesburga v Južni Afriki, že dolgo sumijo, da obstaja »izgubljeno mesto« v kraju Suikerbosrand. Vendar, gosta vegetacija je skoraj onemogočila, da bi si to mesto natančno ogledali. Toda pred kratkim, zapleten laserski sistem je mesto osvetlil in razkril, da je, pravzaprav, obstajajo.

Karim Sadr, profesor na Geografski fakulteti, Arheologija, in okoljske študije na Univerzi Witwatersrand, uporabljen LiDAR (Zaznavanje in določanje razdalje svetlobe) technology earlier this year to unearth new findings about the city. He was able to take a closer look at almost 8 square miles of land, and he found more than just individual homesteads that suggested a village may have existed. He found evidence that an entire city was once set up in the area complete with more than 800 homesteads and somewhere in the neighborhood of 10,000 people. The city was believed to be inhabited by those who spoke the Tswana language from sometime in the 15th century until about 200 leti.

The fact that LiDAR found so many remnants of this “lost city” is exciting because it now gives researchers more of a reason to investigate the city further. It will be well worth their time to start digging around in the area more to see what else they can discover.

LiDAR is also further proof that lasers are playing a more important role in our world than ever before. Seiffert Industrial understands this and utilizes lasers in a variety of ways in the industrial world. Pokličite nas na 800-856-0129 today to see how laser technology might benefit you.