Categoría: Creatividad láser

Jump'éel breve paakat ti' le k'ajláayo' le ma'alo'obtal láser

Ma'alo'obtal láser

Jach seguro wa'al u yóok'ol kaab ku kaja'ano'on bejla'e' sería ya'ab jejeláas wa ma' wo'osale' láser. Le ma'alo'obtal láser táan chéen yóok'ol 100 ja'abo'ob ts'o'oka'an, ka betpajal ichil amplia gama industrias ma'alo'obtal láser búukinta'al, láayli' táan jach tu pañales. Tune', how did we get to this point whereXook asab »

Bix u ma'alo'obtal láser yáantaj kaxtik jump'éel kaajil perdida

Ma'alo'obtal láser

Lasers have played a big part in the evolution of humans, and it seems new things are being made possible by lasers all the time. Ba'ale', did you know that lasers are also benefiting those that lived hundreds of years ago by teaching us more about their existence? For generations now, those living near JohannesburgXook asab »

Leti' le Imperio ’ estrella ti' u kíimile' Guatemala mina'an u yotocho'ob jump'éel súutulo'ob jaajil?

Thirty-seven years after the world was first introduced to the Death Star in Star Wars Episode IV: Jump'éel túumben alab óolal, ka láser potencia asab ti' le universo finalmente táan programado utia'al u bisik u ka'ansaj waye' ti' le planeta lu'um. Eek'e' u kíimile', wa asab formalmente, le tasas repetición ka'anal t.u.m láser Petawatt avanzado (HAPLS), is being builtXook asab »

Utilizando láseres utia'al u controlar le clima

Láayli' ma' u acercaba le potencial yéetel u páajtalil le láser. Ka' jo'op' u utilizamos Sáansamal, especializada tu alineación láser, Apoyamos u búukinta'al ti' je'el industria, sobre todo wa utia'al u ma'alo'obile' wíinik.. Le kéen u tukultik u le láseres, u opinas ti' le k'iin, beyo'? Wa ma' u, perhaps you should… EnglishXook asab »