Jóok'sik asab provecho u nook'o' nu'ukulil accionado

Proper alignment of any belt driven equipment is essential for proper production and efficiency in maximizing production flow and profitability. There are plenty of advantages in our alignment systems for pulleys. They prolong belt and pulley life, xu'ulsiko'ob le Baajux k'iin yéetel energía, and are more accurate and efficient than any other tool or conventional method. We have developed the Laser Pulley Partner to assist in getting more out of your belt driven equipment. Utilizamos k ma'alo'obtal u rayo láser reflejada probada utia'al wóolis resolución angular, Ma' proporcionando tech le xooko' asab confiable yéetel precisa mix uláak' método wa nu'ukula' je'el coincidir yéetel.

Le yaan alineación polea polea socio láser le ligero, compacto ka durable. One person can operate this alignment system and no training is required. No matter the size of the pulley, le yaan láser u fijar magnéticamente yéetel u Jaay tak 6 feet or more. Laser and an opposing reflector plate create a reference line on the reflector indicating offset and vertical angle misalignment immediately. The Pulley Partner is one of the easiest and simplest tools to use. You’ll be able to cut down on your costs dramatically. We carry three additional models of Pulley Partners in the LRS, LE ka ya'ax PRO. Le PRO ya'ax asab ventajoso ti' le usuarios ts'o'ok u analte'obo' yaan: asab brillante, internet ichil láser asab visible, óptica mejorada, asab superficie reflectante, ka excelente resolución angular.