etiqueta: rodillo alineación láser

Ba'ax le rodillo alineación chúumuk?

Ya'ab compañías industriales usan nu'ukulil resistente ba'ax ku basa ti' le rodillos utia'al u fabricación yik'áalil. Bix u yik'áalil u máan u jump'éel p'isibij ti' le uláak' ichil le nu'ukulil, le rodillos ku responsables u mantener le tu kaajil tu'ux. And it’s very important for these rollers to be properly aligned in order for them to continue moving things inXook asab »

Seiffert yik'áalil Videos yéetel u linki abas kaambal u YouTube

A lot of people want to see our products in action or a small tutorial prior to making a purchase. Most of Seiffert Industrial’s products have videos, folletos ka descripciones Amal linki abas kaambal ti' k ts'ono'oto', Ba'ale' tin u káajal u k'áato' in kaxtik u láaj ti' juntúul, check out our YouTube channel or videoXook asab »