What is the Function of Laser Alignment?

What is the function of laser alignment? 以及, when you want to align two or more rotating shafts in a straight line, you will look at both the vertical and horizontal plane to ensure they’re rotating on a common axis. If you do this with your naked eye, you’re bound to make mistakes– our eyes閱讀更多 »

How to Extend the Life of Your Laser Alignment System

Do you currently use a laser alignment system where you work? How can you extend its life? If you want to make sure your machines are working as intended and producing as they should, then it behooves you to make sure they’re aligned precisely and reliably. The tool to use is a laser alignment system閱讀更多 »

Precision Laser Alignment is a Crucial Aspect of an Industrial Company’s Operation

Your company wants to do well. That means quality matters and customers need to be satisfied, 權利? One thing industrial and manufacturing companies should concentrate on is precision laser alignment for their machinery and equipment. Thanks to laser technology, laser alignment can be done fast and efficiently, eliminating the need for dial gauges or straight閱讀更多 »


得益於現代技術, 我哋有激光嚟對正滑輪,以確保機器工作良好. 但在過去, 滑輪必須以不同的方式對正. 和, 即使係而家, 一些公司冇喺佢哋嘅機器上使用現代激光對準工具. Ways to Align a Pulley How do you align a pulley閱讀更多 »

Misalignment in Rotating Machinery

You work with machines and with rotating machinery, if you’ve got misalignments then you’ve got problems. Misalignments mean downtime or worse– the need to replace the machine much sooner than you had hoped, 權利? When you’re experiencing rotating machinery failures, there’s a good chance that misalignments are the cause. Misalignments cause premature bearing, coupling and閱讀更多 »