類別: 激光創意



可以肯定咁講, 如果唔系激光, 我哋今日生活的世界會有好大嘅唔同. 激光技術係關於 100 歲, 儘管廣泛的行業使用激光技術, 佢仍然係好喺其起步階段. 所以, how did we get to this point where閱讀更多 »



Lasers have played a big part in the evolution of humans, and it seems new things are being made possible by lasers all the time. 然而, did you know that lasers are also benefiting those that lived hundreds of years ago by teaching us more about their existence? For generations now, those living near Johannesburg閱讀更多 »

係帝國和 #8217 的死亡之星嘅現實?

Thirty-seven years after the world was first introduced to the Death Star in Star Wars Episode IV: 一個新的希望, 宇宙中最大功率的激光器最終被定為喺地球上取得成果. 死亡之星, 或更正式, 高重復率先入影激光系統 (HAPLS), is being built閱讀更多 »


我哋甚至未接近激光嘅全部潛能和威力. 而我哋每日使用它們, 專業從事激光對準, 我哋支持佢哋喺任何行業嘅使用, 特別係如果係為咗人類嘅利益. 當你想到激光, 你認為天氣都? 如果唔, perhaps you should… English閱讀更多 »