Use Downtime to Make Sure Machines Are Properly Aligned

What is downtime? It’s the time during which a machine is out of action or unavailable for use. It also means a time of reduced activity or inactivity. Companies don’t typically like having downtime because time is money, and downtime costs money. If you work in a building where there are machines, you know that閱讀更多 »


工業軸承透過在表面上滾動而不是滑動來減少兩個運動部件之間的摩擦力– 它們對於運動應用至關重要. 理想情況下, 您希望最大限度地延長軸承的使用壽命, 但軸承失效的原因有多種. 其中一些原因是什麼? Not Enough or Too閱讀更多 »


可以肯定地說,在我們今天生活的世界將是如果太大的不同不是激光器. 激光技術只有約 100 年歲, 並且即使廣泛的行業使用激光技術, 它仍然十分處於起步階段. 所以, how did we get to this point where閱讀更多 »

How to Buy the Right Industrial Laser Equipment For Your Business

You have a business and you need to make money. You need to be profitable. Otherwise, you go out of business. And that’s not good, especially during these perilous pandemic times. 所以, what are some tips for buying the right industrial equipment for your business? Online Research Thanks to the Internet, you are an empowered閱讀更多 »

The Negative Effects of Misaligned Machines

If you work in an area where machinery is present, you know that if the machines are properly aligned, that’s good, and if they’re not, well… that’s bad. What are some of the bad things that happen when you have misaligned machinery? Coupling Damage If and when machines aren’t aligned well, you can expect coupling閱讀更多 »