

您是否需要工業激光器來幫助解決您的一些製造挑戰? 考慮購買一些激光設備? 購買激光設備前應該問哪些問題?


第一次, 你需要什麼設備? 您有需要激光打標的產品嗎, 蝕刻, 焊接, 切割或鑽孔? Will the new laser perform the task? You might want to talk with a company like Seiffert Industrial about your application needs, and then figure out, with their help, what the laser solution is, considering the type, range and power. And obviously, you’ll want equipment that meets quality standards for your company and industry.


下一個, time is money and you don’t want to waste time with problems or “issues.” Therefore, the equipment that you acquire needs to meet a certain cycle time. And the laser equipment you do get will need to be integrated into a larger system, 權利? Ensure that it runs at a functional speed that works well with your current system. You want equipment that works quickly and consistently.

Part Location

最後, you should think about performance with regards to quality. How’s the machine vision– does it register the part location before processing? 然後, when it comes to after part processing, how does the equipment measure the quality, readability and location? You might want to ask about optics and accessories.

Work With Experts

When picking out laser equipment, ask several questions and think some years in the future– will what you buy today be able to meet your current needs as well as future ones as well?

For more info about choosing industrial laser equipment, 致電塞弗特工業公司 1-800-856-0129 or use the online contact form, available here.

Located in Richardson, 德克薩斯州, Seiffert Industrial is known for precision laser equipment and services. See more info about services, 在這裡.