
What is downtime? It’s the time during which a machine is out of action or unavailable for use. It also means a time of reduced activity or inactivity. Companies don’t typically like having downtime because time is money, and downtime costs money. If you work in a building where there are machines, you know that阅读更多 »


Industrial bearings reduce frictional forces between two moving parts by giving a surface something to roll on rather than slide overthey’re crucial for motion applications. 理想情况下, you want to get the most life out of your bearings, but there are several reasons bearings fail. What are some of those reasons? Not Enough or Too阅读更多 »


可以肯定地说,在我们今天生活的世界将是如果太大的不同不是激光器. 激光技术只有约 100 年岁, 并且即使广泛的行业使用激光技术, 它仍然十分处于起步阶段. 所以, how did we get to this point where阅读更多 »


如果您在有机器的区域工作, 你知道如果机器正确对齐, 那挺好的, 如果他们不是, 嗯……那不好. 当您的机器未对准时会发生哪些不好的事情? 联轴器损坏如果和当机器没有很好地对齐时, 你可以期待耦合… 阅读更多 »