类别: 对齐方式

Precision Laser Alignment is a Crucial Aspect of an Industrial Company’s Operation

Quality control on milling CNC machine which is precise thanks to laser alignment system

Your company wants to do well. That means quality matters and customers need to be satisfied, 权利? One thing industrial and manufacturing companies should concentrate on is precision laser alignment for their machinery and equipment. Thanks to laser technology, laser alignment can be done fast and efficiently, eliminating the need for dial gauges or straight阅读更多 »



您与机器和旋转机械一起工作, 如果你有错位,那么你就有问题了. 不对中意味着停机或更糟 - 需要比您希望的更快更换机器, 权利? 当您遇到旋转机械故障时, 很有可能是错位造成的. 不对中会导致过早轴承, coupling and阅读更多 »


RollCheck 绿色

激光对中工具是最先进的测量设备,其特点是两个激光传感器安装在两个相连的轴上,可对您的设备进行可靠分析. 激光传感器同时工作并接收其他传感器光束以查看轴是否正确对齐. 这种对齐工具在世界范围内越来越受欢迎… 阅读更多 »

租房VS. 购买激光对准工具


Businesses that use a lot of machinery often have a need for laser alignment tools. These tools use cutting-edge technology to guarantee that machines are aligned properly, thus ensuring that they’re running as efficiently as possible and not wasting time and money. If you’re looking to use this type of tool at your place of阅读更多 »


Conveyer system depending on an aligned belt

How’s your conveyor belt doing lately? Is it due for a tightening? The belt is so important since it essentially runs the conveyor, which, in turn, moves products. You want it to have proper tension and it’s a good idea to maintain your belt and/or inspect it every so often to ensure that it’s working阅读更多 »