What is a Laser Shaft Alignment Tool?

Seiffert Industrial sells a lot of laser shaft alignment tools. For those of you who are unfamiliar with these tools, they can be summed up quite succinctly as tools which perform measurements by means of two sensors mounted on two connected shafts. How Laser Shaft Alignment Tools Work Laser shaft alignment tools have sensors whichLire la suite »

How Lasers Provide Precision Alignment

If you look up the word “precise” in the dictionary you’ll learn that it means “exactly or sharply defined or stated, strictly conforming to a pattern, standard or convention…” And if you look up “laser,” it says “an intense beam of coherent monochromatic light or other electromagnetic radiation by stimulated emission of photons from excitedLire la suite »

Quels sont les symptômes d’un mauvais alignement de l’arbre?

Si vous travaillez avec des machines, tu veux que ça fonctionne correctement. Un arbre de machine doit être positionné avec précision pour fonctionner comme prévu, et s’il est mal aligné, il y aura des « symptômes » de désalignement de l’arbre que vous remarquerez probablement. Vous voulez que vos machines fonctionnent bien. It needs to be reliable and you ideallyLire la suite »

Is My Laser Shaft Alignment Tool Accurate Enough?

Are your machines aligned properly? Si elles ne sont pas, you need to use an alignment tool to determine what needs to be done to get them back into alignment so they’re not costing you excess time and money. Now in the old days, alignment would have been done with a visual inspection by human eyes, et… Lire la suite »